Abstracts numero 2022/1

Articles varia

  • - La parenté araméenne d’Israël en question. Rachel et Laban en Gn 31,1–32,1 : une contribution samarienne ?
  • The Aramean kinship of Israel in question. Rachel and Laban in Gen 31,1–32,1: a Samarian contribution?

    Gen 31 relates the separation between the Arameans and the Israelites at the beginning of the history of Israel. Based on an old tradition of the relationship and kinship between Aram and Israël, the story of Gen 31,1-32,1 in its final state, develops the thematic of a religious rupture with Laban the Aramean, particularly through Rachel stealing the teraphim of her father. Thus, one of the main purposes of this text is to emphasise the contribution of the Jacob tradition for the exclusive worship of Yhwh. Therefore, the development of this story does appear to confirm the literary significance of the Samaritan community of Mount Gerizim to the composition of the Pentateuch in the Persian era, and to highlight the continuity of the religion of Yhwh on the northern territory of Israel in the postexilic times.


  • - La fiscalité romaine et le contexte économique de Jésus de Nazareth
  • Roman fiscality and the economic context at the time of Jesus of Nazareth

    Roman domination was particular in the succession of empires that ruled over Judea, but it is not sure that it was accompanied by a general impoverishment nor by a growing socioeconomic inequality. This article summarizes some recent research devoted to the Roman taxation in Judea and to its effects on the population, in order to demonstrate that the main problem was not the economic concern, but the development of a tax theology.


  • - Théologies économiques : comment le religieux contient la chrématistique
  • Economic theology: how the religious contains the chremastic

    The approach of this article is twofold: on the one hand, to expose the theological or religious origins which are the foundation of economic categories today considered as rational and naturalized objects. On the other hand, to show that the religious was able to put in place mechanisms of “anticipation-conjuration” while being overtaken by processes of secularization to which it could also contribute. Everything today consists in rethinking these mechanisms for conjuring up capitalism in the light of a society reappropriating the economic issue.

  • - La mystique à l’épreuve de l’absence de Dieu dans le contexte de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le cas de Simone Weil et d’Etty Hillesum
  • The mysticism of the ordeal of the absence of God in the context of the Second World War. The case of Simone Weil and Etty Hillesum

    Based on the study of the writings of Simone Weil and Etty Hillesum during the Second World War, this article intends to identify the characteristics of an unprecedented moment in the history of mysticism where the experience of God’s presence is irreducibly associated with the ordeal of his absence in the events of this world. If this link between the experience of absence and that of presence echoes the classic image of John of the Cross’s “dark night”, its conceptualisation in both Simone Weil and Etty Hillesum reveals two emerging features that break with the earlier mystical tradition. On the one hand, the ordeal of absence is no longer experienced as a purifying punishment inflicted by God himself, but rather as the ordeal of contemporary reality where God is recognised as the Absent One « par excellence ». On the other hand, the experience of presence does not put an end to that of absence, so that one can speak of a concomitance of the absence and the presence of God in the mystical experience of the 20th century.

  • - Discerner une posture à incarner aujourd’hui dans l’accompagnement spirituel en milieu laïc de santé
  • Distinguishing a standpoint to take up today in spiritual accompaniment in a lay health care setting

    The author here presents a theological prospective of spiritual accompaniment in lay health care with the example of the ecumenical chaplaincy of the Vaudois University Hospital in Romandy, the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Having exposed the context and the challenges facing chaplains today, practical theology will generate a standpoint in spiritual accompaniment towards both patients and institutions. A certain specificity will be built up with a symbolic and subversive dimension.

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