Abstracts numero 2018/2

Articles varia

  • - « Faut-il que nous soyons gouvernés par un roi ? ». La « fable des arbres » (Jg 9,8-15) entre la satire et l’apologie
  • This article seeks to revisit the significance and social function of the so-called Jotham’s fable of the trees (Judges 9:8-15). This text still remains a veritable crux interpretation, as shown in the short description of the status quaestionis. A systematic analysis of each of the elements of this short story will focus our attention on the possible implications of identifying the אָטָד with a tree of the Ziziphus species. Our suggestion is that satire of the monarchical regime is not the sole intention behind the fable, but that the king-‘āṭād is in fact a figure of the mission that such an institution can assume when a nation is confronted with periods and situations of distress.

  • - L’homme de Pierre : la trajectoire immergée de l’apôtre dans l’Évangile de Matthieu
  • Matthew built his own Peter, sculptured his contours. By editing available material plus adding his own he draws Peter a specific route for the reader. Observing the main episodes of Matthew’s Peter, the author uncovers what links them both. Thus from the first to the last mention of Peter the reader is plunged in the depths of the interpretative narrative. On the way to Jerusalem, the metaphore of Peter the stone comes alive and shows a humanity unsuspected by the « first disciple ».

  • - Éloge des colonies, des dissidences et des reprises
  • Colonial condition (in the ecological senbse of population and colonisation) is universal. That is why it is necessary to differentiate colonialism from « colonies » of survivors, refugees and dissidents. This is a time of great migration. The subject here is that for some it is their turn to become colonists, while others are native ; that the colonists have children born here, and the natives have ancestrors who were once colonists. Ideal would be to decomplex all concerned in the common objective of creating a decent society. By deconstructing the stories of colonisation, decolonisation, creolisation, and showing how the founding pact of society has many facets, the author reminds us there can be no new alliance without building on old alliances, still present, we must not overlook the gap between old and new arrivals, alliance, pact, interengagement, social fabric can only be maintained by rubbing shoulders. We must learning to rub again.

  • - Schleiermacher, de la religion des « Reden » au protestantisme de la « Glaubenslehre »
  • An attentive reading of the Glaubenslehre (1821) of Schleiermacher raises awareness of the fact that the term  « Protestantism » plays the same decisive role as « religion » in the Reden (1799). The reason for this difference is an importance change as much in the Prussian socio-political context as in the public targetedby the author. But the global point of view is the same.

  • - Calvin et la connaissance naturelle de Dieu. Une relecture
  • Far from defending the possibility of a « natural Christian theology » as claimed by Emil Brunner, Calvin did not however reject all idea of a natural knowledge of God, as proned by Karl Barth. By a detailed analysis of the first chapter of the Institution (1559/1560), the author shows Calvin well and truly postulates the existence of a « seed of religion » in each human being, even sinners, in the context of Calvin’s works and find links to the theological thinking of later periods.

Position de thèse

  • - Le « Péri Parrhêsias » de Philodème de Gadara et la « parrhêsia » dans les Actes des apôtres
  • The Péri Parrhêsias treatise (PHerc. 1471) of Philodemus of Gadara represents a major source for the comprehension of Epicurean parrhêsia. When comparing the manner in which Luke employs parrhêsia with that of Philodemus, it is apparent that the former relies on the latter, all of the Philodemus themes being present in practically all of the Lucan pericopae. However, Luke adapts the parrhêsia to his own narrative project, all while giving it a strategic role in describing the expansion of the Gospel unto the ends of the Earth. The thesis treats all Lucanian pericopes containing παρρησια or παρρησιασομαι. As an example, we highlight on Acts 9, 27.28.

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