Abstracts numero 2014/1

Articles varia

  • - Éditorial
  • - « Faites ceci en mémoire de moi ». Une lecture de la Cène
  • Noting an ambivalent relationship between time and memory, Guilhen ANTIER seeks the possibility of a « just memory » by using an element of the Christian tradition: the Eucharistic celebration, especially in its Pauline-Lukan version. Confronting some scriptural data to the thoughts of Ricœur, Lacan, Freud and Kierkegaard, he reappraises the relations between witness and proof, faith and history, nature and culture, sacrament and symbol.

  • - Le principe scripturaire (sola scriptura) à l’épreuve de notre temps
  • Against a « fundamentalist » construal of the Reformation’s scriptural principle, Gérard Siegwalt argues that a theology rooted in the Biblical tradition cannot confine the revelation in the past of Biblical history without entering into contradiction with the scriptural concept of a living God confessed as Creator and Redeemer. The Bible, to be sure is the only norm of faith, but not its only source, the latter being found in the changing realities of life and history, and in the biblical paradigm of the prophetia continua.

  • - La Réforme et les fonts baptismaux. Du dispositif luthérien à l’originalité du dispositif zwinglien
  • In this essay Bernard Reymond wonders why Zwinglian churches distinguish themselves from other Reformed and Lutheran church buildings by the central place the baptismal font holds in their interior design. He argues that Zwingli assigned to the baptismal font the office that Luther assigned to the altar: to be a memorial to Christ, but in a more Noahic than Abrahamic sense.

  • - La « grâce seconde » procurée par Paul aux Corinthiens (2 Co 1, 15)
  • In 2 Co 1:15, Paul justifies his plans about visiting the Corinthians by his intention to provide them a « second benefit » (King James Version) or « second grace » (Basic English Bible). The corresponding expression in Greek, δευτέραν χάριν, is not explained within the verse and has caused a puzzling variety of interpretations in the exegetical tradition. Jacqueline ASSAËL, argues that the context highlights the meaning of this formula by a set of stylistic data showing how, according to Paul’s theology, his mission is to pass on the grace of divine consolation in all circumstances, thereby disclosing the infinity of grace at a second level.


  • - Quelle charité dans l’hindouisme ?
  • In this essay, Colette Poggi argues that the importance of « charity » in Hindu culture and philosophy can be appraised in the light of the concept of dharma (law of the good order of things). While inquiring into the various values associated with care for others and active benevolence in the numerous schools of Hindu thought, her essay provides an overview of the lexical and semantic richness of Sanskrit as a sacred language.

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