Abstracts numero 2018/1

Articles varia

  • - Obscurité et clarification : l’interprétation des Écritures selon les Épîtres pétriniennes
  • In these two short and very different epistles, 1 P and 2 P, Samuel Bénétreau points out the same problem: three texts mention some obscurity in the Scripture: 1 P 1,10-12 ; 2 P 1,16-21 and 3,15-16. The first two texts deal with the Old Testament and a clarification is presented. The third text acknowledges the presence of passages which are difficult to understand in the letters of Paul, offering no promises as far as interpretation is concerned, but without challenging the overall clarity of the message. The connection between the writings of the prophets and the teaching of the apostles is stressed in these epistles, as evidenced in 1 P 3,2 which, in line with 1 P 1,10-12, relates “the words of the prophets” and “the command from the Lord and Saviour given by the apostles”.

  • - Nouvelles perspectives sur Malebranche : les vérités éternelles face à la menace antitrinitaire
  • Taking the Socinienist and Arianist anti-trinitarians into account lets us undertand, according to Brigitte Tambrun, why Malebranche, an adept of modern science founded on the reduction of matter in the geometrical sense, refuses the Cartesian thesis of the creation of mathematical truths by God, and insists that the eternal truths of perfection or order are equally increated and seen in the Logos. Malebranche holds that to avoid any inclination towards Socinianism, we must claim that God never acts without reason, and that the main motive of the creation was the divinisation of man through the mediation God-Man.


  • , - Avant-propos
  • - Violence de l’ascèse monothéiste de l’image
  • The author likens the history of biblical monotheism to the theological resilience of a people in exile. From this resistance emerges the face of the inconceivable God, progressively opposed to the religions of the neighbouring peoples, and whose law will trace the frontiers of election, not with native identity markers, but by interpellation of all readers in exile …. in exodus.

  • - Les chrétiens de l’Antiquité et l’antijudaïsme
  • Regularly we learn in the media, including the press, that religion, and specifically monotheist religion, is a vector, the motor even, of violence. History, especially ancient history, is often used to illustrate this, as in one particular type of violence, Christian anti-semitism, which has its roots in ancient history. Anna van den Kerchove evokes several ancient texts on the relationship between Jews and Christians that can be seen as Christian Anti-Judaism even Anti-Semitism. The author shows the issue should be problematised to avoid simplification and anachronisms. As from when are Christians distinguished from Jews? The rhetorics of imprecation in certain new testament texts, the theological polemics of the second and third centuries, and the council decrees and patristic writings of Christianity, legal then imperial religion in the fourth century, on what level are these to be understood?

    By replacing the speeches in context, (progressive emergence of Christianity first-fourth centuries) and in distinguishing the time it was written from the time it was read, historical research can provide precise answers to questions too often distorted through the prism of contemporary tragedy.



  • - Juifs et chrétiens à Montpellier au Moyen Âge. Insertion, relations savantes et exclusion
  • As close as possible to details of everyday life sometimes ignored in favour of historical generalities, Michaël Iancu paints a portrait in many shades of life in the Jewish community in Montpellier in the 13th and 14th centuries. Enjoying at first the protection of the Aragonese rulers, Jews enriched the town with their economic drive as well as their intellectual influence based as much on internal philosophical debate as exchange with Christian scholars. But as from 1306, and during the whole of the 14th century, they became victims to the ever more radical exclusion policy of the French kings.

  • - Violences de l’un
  • In this paper which is partially a situational piece after the attacks in Paris on November 13 2015, Guilhen Antier questions the religious violence specific to monotheism. To do so, he analyses the fatal number – one. Crossing the theme of the deconstruction of Christianity according to Jean-Luc Nancy with Lacanian psychoanalysis on perversion and symbolism, he suggests redeploying positively the number one as a mark of the otherness of the word, which is only capable of converting the unitarian violence into a unity respectful of plurality.


  • - Laïcité et religion : violence d’un débat

    Language is the specific location of human violence as the word is perverted, cancelled. Here the author supports this theory with Genesis 3, and a few etymological concerns, before verifying how it works on some aspects of the French debate on the respective place and role of religion and the idea of secularism. In this controversy, dialogue, words, risk falling silent faced with the violence of the race to have the last word.

Position de thèse

  • - Sans la loi mais par la foi… et dans l’unique corps. Exégèse de Romains 12,1-15,13

    How can a community be built up according to Faith and not according to Law, in a dynamic and vibrant articulation between single and collective? Paul answers this complex question in chapters 12 to 15 of his Epistle to the Romans. This parenetical section particularly concerns the way in which the apostle treats the notion of “body” as a metaphor for the ecclesial community, which originates in a gift of God previous to any human construction, is formed in a triangular relationship between self, fellow man and God, and culminates in an ethic of interdependence careful to avoid the traps of autofoundation.

Notes et chroniques

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