Abstracts numero 2022/2

Articles varia

  • - « Apostat, transgresseur de la Loi et intrus dans le vrai christianisme ». Racines confessionnelles et transculturelles de l’antipaulinisme des Lumières
  • Apostate, transgressor of the Law and intruder in true Christianism”. Confessional and transcultural roots of antipaulinism during the Enlightenment

    Antipaulinism is a well-known phenomenon in the history of religious ideas, especially as it developed from the Enlightenment onwards. Its intellectual roots, on the other hand, remain particularly vague even today. This article proposes to search for them not in the free thought of the 17th century or in the radical philosophy of the pre-Enlightenment period, but in the progress of Protestant scholarship as it developed from the end of the 16th century. In doing so, he also highlights the importance of the discovery of extra-Christian sources in the emergence of this phenomenon.

    Keywords : antipaulinism, Protestant scholarship, historical criticism, philological criticism, Protestantism-Judaism-Islam

  • - Enquête sur le sentiment et l’engagement religieux de Montaigne
  • A study of Montaigne’s religious sentiment and commitment

    Was Montaigne completely devoid of religious sentiment, as a certain critical doxa would have it? This is not the opinion of the author. Certainly, the Essays, the deliberately profane work in which Montaigne tests his judgment, are not intended to reveal his piety, but here and there are clues of a real fervour, gratitude for the divine gift of life. As for his commitment in the civil-war ridden society of the time, he remained faithful to the Catholic Church and the king of France, thus opposed to Protestants he considered doctrinaire and seditious, adversaries rather than enemies, but without referring to a principle of tolerance.

    Keywords : Montaigne, Essays, attachment, commitment, religion, Catholics, Protestants, fervor, life, Jesus Christ, France, thanksgiving, Bible, prayer, Mass, irony, distance, indignation, tenderness, tolerance, iconoclasm, dogma, piety, hedonism, controversy

  • - Que veut dire pour le sujet et pour ce qu’on appelle Dieu exister dans l’asymétrie ? Une lecture contrastive du christianisme à partir d’ « Autrement qu’être » d’Emmanuel Lévinas
  • A contrastive letter of Christianism after Otherwise than being by Emmanuel Levinas

    This is the text of an intervention by the author, on October 19, 2021, Danielle Cohen-Levinas’ seminar at the Sorbonne, “Levinas readings. Subjectivity: phenomenology, ethics and philosophy of religion”. It offers a close reading of Emmanuel Levinas’ Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence. In addition to the attempt to restore the axis in matters of God and subjectivity, he tries to rethink certain heavy words of the Christian tradition used by Levinas, such as incarnation, passion, expiation, substitution. He does so in a way that distances him from certain Jewish readers who suspect Levinas of complacency towards Christianity, or at least of being too close to it, as well as from Christian readers who are too quick to recover, even falsely, his thought, especially in relation to themes of the face, the others and otherness. If we look closely, the words of Christianity that Levinas uses here are the subject of subtle shifts, in fact from a Jewish perspective, to which is added that, although overloaded with Christian resonances, they are words of the common language.

    Keywords : Levinas, Christianism, incarnation, passion, expiation, substitution, subjectivity, transcendence, asymmetry, excess

  • - Église-Famille en exil : sacrement de guérison holistique ? Transnationalité d’un concept ecclésial dans les Églises africaines issues de l’immigration en Suisse
  • The Church-family in exile. A sacrement of holistic cure? Transnationality of an ecclesial concept in immigration African churches in Switzerland

    The “Church-Family of God”, this sub-Saharan ecclesiological concept, becomes a sacramental place when this locus vicus goes beyond the framework of an inhabited house to be the very place of holistic healing for Bantu people. This assertion seems most relevant in African churches and communities in Europe. From the perspective of the transnationality of this African ecclesiology in Switzerland, the quest for complete health allows us to perceive new imaginaries and representations that mark out the singular trajectory of African migrants, particularly Congolese, in their will of integral well-being.

    Keywords : Church-Family of God, transnationality, immigration, African churches, sacrament, rituals, disease, healing, African theology, ecclesiology, fraternity, interculturality, Switzerland, Sub-Saharan Africa, Congolese, Bantu, Moose, evangelical, catholic, reformed, Kimbanguism

Position de thèse

  • - Embarquée, empathique, créative : une éthique protestante dans le débat public. Gestes et méthodes à la lecture d’André Dumas
  • Onboard, empathetic, creative: Protestant ethics in public debate. Method in the reading of André Dumas

    A figure of French Protestantism and its commitments to the world from the 1960s to the 1990s, André Dumas did not leave a book summarizing his ethics and its method. This research, based on the personal archives of this intellectual and his texts of public speeches, reveals the essential to propose them as a method for today. This is to invite Protestantism to take part in the public debate again by getting out of the trap characterized by cursing or blessing changes in society, and really thinking about them from their reality, in particular the experiences of the people concerned.

    Keywords : André Dumas, ethics, French Protestantism, 1960s-1970s, public debate, abortion

  • - Le Gérasénien et le(s) jeune(s) homme(s) : perspectives synchroniques et diachroniques sur le récit du démoniaque de Marc 5,1-20
  • The Gerasene and the young man (men): synchronic and diachronic perspectives of the story of the demoniac in Mark 5:1-20

    The Gerasene demoniac in Mark (Mk 5:1-20) is the most developed story of exorcism in the whole New Testament. The conjuction of synchronic analysis (narrative type) with a pluridisciplinary study of the text’s historical, social and religious subjacent aspects reveals the reconfigurating force of the story. Even more, the micro-story of the Gerasene exorcism is typical for the author of the macro-story of Mark’s gospel. Thus the importance of Mark 5:1-20 in the whole of Mark’s gospel, particularly in relation to the young man who flees naked (Mk 14:51-52) and to the pericope of the young man at the tomb. Reading Mark 5:1-20 with and after Mark 14:51-52 and 16:1-8 leads the reader to an epistemic reconfiguration on the theme of the identity of Jesus, the nature of followship and the relationship foreseen between the disciple and his absent Master.

    Keywords : Gospel of Mark, Mark 5:1-20, Demonic, Legion, synchronic analysis, diachronic analysis, macro-narrative, micro-narrative

Notes et chroniques

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