Abstracts numero 2008/2

Articles varia

  • - La Bible, le bruissement de ses langues, le grain de ses voix
  • Through the gardens, from the Gospel of John to the Song of Solomon, Corina Combet-Galland’s reading of the Scriptures questions the content as well as the voice that speaks them out. She carefully listens to the texture of the voice: the weight of the body present in the music of the voice, either the frail but sovereign voice of Jesus saying “I am”, or the song of love of the woman and her beloved in the Canticles.

  • - L’enfant malgré tout. Passions et enfantement dans l’Evangile de Luc
  • Claire-Antoinette Steiner examines the link established by Luke between the death of the Son and the destruction of Jerusalem. In the episode of the weeping Daughters of Jerusalem on the way to Golgotha, the town is represented as a woman threatened in her motherhood. But the one who is dying on the Cross offering himself as the Son given to humankind is echoing the promise to the childless women, Elisabeth and Mary, at the beginning of Luke’s Gospel.

  • - Les tentes des matriarches
  • In early times, third person singular pronouns either masculine or feminine were copied out with the letter he as a suffix. They were quite systematically corrected by the Masoretes into the masculine waw. Taking the example of four uses of the word ‘ohel (tent) in Genesis, Jean-Pierre Sternberger observes that the meaning of the pronouns closely examined in their original contexts hints at a possible reference to a phenomenon widely attested in Bedouin populations: the wives are the owners of the tent. The motif of the matriarch’s tent could characterize a redactional layer contemporary with the first return from exile.


  • - « Bible, mythe et théologie » (Présentation)
  • - Le rôle neutralisant du mythe à l’âge confessionnel. L’exemple de Jean-Conrad Dannhauer (1603-1666)
  • In the global competition that religious confessions had to face in the seventeenth century, some theologians have used classical myths to make plausible the claims of their own church to some universal and transpersonal truth. But far from fostering the value of confessional convictions, such endeavours paved the way for the Enlightenment. As an example, Daniel Bolliger shows how the Lutheran theologian Jean-Conrad Dannhauer from Strasbourg has used the myth of Oedipus to prove that it appealed to some transconfessional form of human reason.

  • - Le mythe afrikaner du « peuple élu de Dieu » ou le long treck des calvinistes sud-africains
  • The myth of God’s Chosen People has been present throughout history in various Christian or Jewish communities. It enabled their members to justify at once their existence, the right to own the land where they settled and their domination over populations who already lived there. The Afrikaners believed in such a representation of themselves for a long time until the 1990-91 negotiations led to the dismantling of the legal structures of apartheid. Gilles Teulié examines how this myth came into being in the Calvinist community of South Africa.

  • - L’appel du Macédonien. Un mythe biblique fondateur de la mission ?
  • The nineteenth century missionary literature repeatedly quotes the story of the man of Macedonia who appeared to Paul asking him “Come over into Macedonia, and help us” (Acts 16:6-10). As a typical pagan figure he calls missionaries to go into far countries where the Gospel has never been announced or into the suburbia of Europe where it has been forgotten. Through the examination of two specific cases – a call to Lesotho and one to Belleville near Paris – Jean-François ZORN shows how that type of call, unexpected and of divine origin, functions like a myth.

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