Abstracts numero 2023/2

Articles varia

  • - Le récit d’appel et d’envoi en mission des prophètes dans le premier Testament : les enjeux d’un changement de paradigme de lecture
  • The Prophets’ Call and Mission Narrative in the First Testament. The Challenges of Changing the Reading Paradigm

    Until now, the biblical passages usually defined as « call narratives » have been studied essentially according to a historical method. Revisiting these texts, especially those concerning the prophets, with literary criteria can renew their interpretation, as well as the understanding of their role in the construction of the character and the specific message deployed in the book that contains it. This article reviews the main classical interpretations of these texts, before showing how a synchronic method constitutes a change of reading paradigm. Finally, it looks at the issues that such a change implies for the understanding of these texts and of the figure of the prophet and his message.

    Keywords: Old Testament, Calling, Sending, Mission, Prophets, Reading Paradigm

  • - La « chute » de Caïn en Genèse 4,1-16. Le mal inévitable dans l’histoire primordiale
  • The “Fall” of Cain in Genesis 4:1-16. The Inevitable Evil in Primordial History

    This article reflects on evil, a theme evoked in the Bible at the same time as the creation of the world. The biblical account of the fall in Gen 2–3 does indeed deal with an ambivalent quest for the knowledge of good and evil but does not yet speak of sin, nor even of original sin, as this has become a commonplace since Augustine. On the other hand, a Hebrew term for “sin”, ḥaṭṭat, appears only in the account of Cain and Abel (Gen 4). This concept means neither a concrete fault, nor an adversary such as the serpent or the devil according to a dualistic conception, nor a human attitude. Sin is rather the perversion of the order of life which should be directed towards connective justice. It denotes interference in the order of creation and the consequence of bad choices that make the cohabitation of humans fail.

    Keywords: Old Testament, Sin, Genesis 4, Cain and Abel, Evil

  • - « Confrontations », de François Amanecer : une poétique aux confins de l’éthique et du religieux
  • Confrontations, by François Amanecer: a Poetic on the Borders of Ethics and Religion

    A poet and an essayist, François Amanecer is anxious to inscribe the figures of artistic creativity in our space of existence. This article follows him in his presentation of various works that confront the tensions of a strangely inhabited psyche and the enigmatic reality of a whole other in the elusive proximity. A poetic tends to emerge, where inspiration does not go without coherence and where the plausibility of existential convictions is nourished itself from the intimate experience of a Presence.

    Keywords: Confrontations, Convictions, Deity, Duplicity, Existence, Enigma, Fulgurance, Poetics, Presence, Meaning

  • - René Girard : un modèle à imiter et à dépasser
  • René Girard: a Model to Emulate and Surpass

    Although René Girard has been given a second life in literary criticism, the contributions of his “mimetic system”, together with his analysis of the “sacrificial crisis”, have been too quickly forgotten in the theological field. There are a number of reasons for this oversight. However, this does not mean that we should avoid making use of a number of interesting ideas formulated by René Girard. Indeed, one must now dare to go beyond the Girardian model. Within the limits of this article the author indicates fairly formal guidelines for this new exploration by using matrix calculation. This will lead him to complement Girard’s thought by taking seriously both human sin and the grace of a living God.

    Keywords: René Girard, Violence, Mimesis, Sacrifice, Matrix Calculus, Sin, Grace, Dialectic, Retribution, Double Bind


  • - L’allégeance à Daesh : le djihad comme projet théologico-politique d’émancipation
  • Allegiance to ISIS: Jihad as a Theological-Political Project of Emancipation

    ISIS recruits must pledge allegiance to its caliph Al-Baghdadi. This ritual is not an anecdotal curiosity, but a commitment that has its roots in the traditional theological-political corpus of Islam. Recovered and theorized by jihadist preachers, it is simultaneously at the origin of an individual process of emancipation and at the foundation of a social contract that has many analogies with the one theorized by Hobbes in Leviathan.

    Keywords: Allegiance, ISIS, Jihad, Emancipation, Social Contract, Hobbes, Leviathan


Position de thèse

  • - Du conflit au dialogue : l’athéisme scientifique en RDA (1963-1990)
  • From Conflict to Dialogue: Scientific Atheism in the GDR (1963-1990)

    The academic discipline of scientific atheism has been present in East German research and higher education for nearly three decades. Between 1963 and 1968, a chair was dedicated to it at the University of Jena, followed by two decades of work less exposed but still important. The representatives of this discipline, Marxist philosophers and members of the ruling party, were the main experts of the regime on religious phenomena and hoped to exert influence on politics and propaganda. In the 1980s, they were partners in a dialogue that some Christian circles, especially Protestants, called for. Among their scientific works, those of religious sociology have been the subject of numerous repeats and quotations, including by Western and contemporary authors.

    Keywords: Atheism, Germany (Democratic Republic), Marxism-Leninism, Communism and Religion, Olof Klohr

  • - La clôture comme ouverture. Analyse mémorielle du rôle de 2 Timothée dans le corpus paulinien
  • Closing as opening. A Memory Analysis of 2 Timothy’s Role in the Pauline Corpus

    Written as a farewell address, the second letter to Timothy (2 Tim) assumes a concluding role in Paul’s biography. How does this assertion – false or not – translate from a narrative point of view? Or, to put it another way, what is the role of 2 Tim within the Pauline corpus? This question leads this dissertation. Through the lens of memory approaches, this heuristic study shows that the literary genre and content of the letter build a hermeneutical key for reading and propagating at least the seven undisputed letters (Rom, 1 and 2 Cor, Ga, Ph, 1 Th, Phm) and Colossians as the apostle Paul’s “critical inheritance” (B. Schwartz). Its main originality lies in the specific consideration of 2 Tim as part of a Pauline collection, and not only of the corpus known as the Pastorals (1 and 2 Timothy, Titus). The dissertation is divided in three parts: 1) historical and methodological milestones; 2) a memory analysis of 2 Tim; 3) an investigation of three Pauline “realms of memory” (P. Nora): characters, geographical locations and Paul’s letters.

    Keywords: 2 Timothy, Pauline Corpus, Letters to Timothy and Titus, Pastorals, Memory, Reception, Farewell Address

Notes et chroniques

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