Abstracts numero 2010/2

Articles varia

  • - Comment traduire la Bible ? Un échange entre Augustin et Jérôme au sujet de la « citrouille » de Jonas 4, 6
  • Starting from a correspondence between Augustine and Jerome discussing the Latin translation of Jonah 4:6, Anne Fraïsse expounds the vision these two important Fathers had concerning the transmission of Scriptures. Jerome had a linguistic approach and promoted the return to Hebrew sources whereas Augustine had a more theological approach and contended that the traditions of the church inspired by the Holy Spirit and the various meanings of Scriptures were of prime importance. Their debate is a good illustration of how the Scriptures have been transmitted in three different languages by the early Christian church, thus greatly helping the rapid development and spread of Christianity.

  • - Le lumignon huguenot au siècle des Lumières
  • In the Huguenot idiom, various metaphors of frailty (the dim light of a candle for instance) express the peculiar sort of resistance the Protestant people who remained in France opposed to their oppressor. Rejecting the critiques of those ministers who had fled persecution and found shelter in the countries of the so-called Refuge, the advocates of the clandestine communities of France articulate their historical consciousness and their pretence to church legitimacy. Highlighting the contrast between their pastoral discourse and the emancipated cultural world of the « philosophers, » Hubert Bost argues that their religious ideals and their struggling for liberty of conscience paradoxically turn them into pioneers of the Enlightenment.

  • - Premières christologies. Exaltation et incarnation, ou de Pâques à Noël
  • Among the various early Christian communities the best known are those of Jerusalem and Antioch. François Bovon’s investigation into their witnesses leads to a twofold proposal: while the Jerusalem community affirmed the Easter exaltation of Jesus the Crucified, the Antiochian community announced the incarnation of the preexistent Son.

  • - Post coïtum triste : le désir, l’imaginaire et la transgression dans le midrash. Chapitre d’anthropologie talmudique
  • Dan Jaffé analyses an Aggadic text from the Babylonian Talmud (Qidushin 81b). The interpretative tools are both innovative and interdisciplinary. They combine textual, hermeneutical, psychoanalytic and anthropologic approaches. This midrashic passage relates the notions of desire and transgression in the imagination of its central character, Rav Hiya bar Ashi, who spurns his wife’s advances yet falls for the pretty face of a prostitute–who is no one else but his own wife dressed as a courtesan. The main proposal of this essay is to construe the object of temptation in the light of the very nature of the prohibition. The Talmudic narrative presents Rav Hiya bar Ashi as the typical model of sinning through sexual attraction and the imaginary transgression gives the tale its tragic feature while questioning the story’s issue.

  • - La Bibliothèque de Qumrân et la constitution du corpus biblique
  • In this essay Katell Berthelot presents a bilingual edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls entitled, La Bibliothèque de Qumrân. Published in France (Éditions du Cerf), this edition classifies the manuscripts according to their thematic link to various biblical books. This classification highlights two central sets of issues in the field of Qumrân studies: (1) how to differentiate between biblical and non-biblical manuscripts, in connection with the phenomenon of « biblical rewritings » and the process of stabilisation of the biblical text; (2) what is an authoritative text and how did the biblical canon develop.

  • , - Le Psaume 106 et le Pentateuque
  • Only a few Psalms refer to narratives from the Pentateuch. When it happens, the chronology of events is sometimes discarded. Is it poetic licence or the literary syllabus of a redactional school? In this essay Jan Albert Roetman and Caspar Visser’T Hooft show that the recording of « historical » events in Psalm 106 results from a theological project aiming at the re-establishment of the figure of Moses left in the background in Numbers. Actually the fourth book of Psalms which starts with Moses’ Psalm (Ps. 90) and ends with his re-establishment, introduces the Law as fundamental in the book of Psalms.

Notes et chroniques

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