Abstracts numero 2005/3

Articles varia

  • - Karl Barth et la « question juive ». Éléments d’une controverse
  • In several articles and lectures, Karl Barth maintains that from a Christian point of view, the fact that the Jews refuse the Cross and the resurrection of Christ should not render null and void the Sinai Alliance. In his Church Dogmatics however, he asserts that the event of the Cross puts an end to the history of Israel. Bernard Buunk analyses what is theologically at stake in those conflicting ideas, especially in the light of the criticisms of M. Wyshgorod and F.-W. Marquardt and of the correspondence between Barth and Marquardt.

  • - La séparation entre juifs et chrétiens à la fin du premier siècle : circonstances historiques et raisons théologiques
  • Christian Grappe goes back to the question of the separation between Jews and Christians at the end of the first century. In this process, he underlines the importance of the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, and the reorganisation of Judaism which followed. He gives some examples of Christian reactions to the new situation, and then presents theological reasons for this split. According to him they derive from a renewed understanding initiated by the preaching and the actions of Jesus of how the communion with God works.

  • - La mort et les morts dans le Proche-Orient ancien et dans la Bible hébraïque
  • The question of death is central in every human religious or philosophical system, because it makes man face his finitude and his limits. Each community has learnt how to cope with death in different ways. Thomas Römer examines what the Hebrew Bible says about death and an afterlife. He shows that the notion of resurrection is not central in the Old Testament, unlike the emphasis given to it in the New Testament. To believe that there can be a resurrection at all, either collective or individual, is something that only comes to light later on in a context of crisis.


  • - Paul l’apôtre : un voyage contrarié pour bagage
  • « The Apostle’s thwarted journey ». Not only Paul’s vocation but his whole mission could be contained in that title. To support her interpretation, Corina Combet-Galland shows how the God who grasped Saul in the middle of his life and identified Himself with his victims has completely changed the man and inverted his values. The author of The Acts of the Apostles goes back three times to this point and gives an imagery of this conversion, and includes the trials that derived from it. Could the confession of faith that ensued throughout history be at the very core of this fundamental event ?

  • - Noms de lieux : Ignace de Loyola, Jean Calvin, John Wesley
  • Every life in its own way could be described as a state of wandering or disorientation or exile. At the heart of the comparison Bernard Cottret establishes between three different yet parallel existences, we can find this merging of life-story and journey. Ignatius hesitates between Jerusalem and Rome, and Calvin recalls the story of Jonah first in Strasbourg then in Geneva, and Wesley realises that his mission is in England itself. The main question for the historian is that of chance and necessity, that is to say the quest (back in vogue today) of what is unpredictable, potential, or virtual.

  • - Entre Jonas et Robinson, le voyage contrarié de Jean de Léry au Brésil
  • Religion has a privileged relationship with space and travelling, because of two (false) etymologies going back to antiquity « to relate » and « to relegate ». Conversely all journeys stand as an allegory for the religious link that is either loosened or tied up in turn ; starting with the narrative of conversion whose pattern has often been a spatial one since Paul the Apostle. In this article, Frank Lestringant proposes two modern illustrations ; one is taken from history, Jean de Léry’s Histoire d’un voyage faict en la terre du Bresil(1578), the other being Daniel Defoe’s fiction, Robinson Crusoe (1719). In both cases the alternative movement of the traveller between flight and quest, exile and commitment is consonant with the movement of the soul.

  • - Le retour contrarié du Dr Frederick Cook ou renaître dans le très Grand Nord
  • Jan Borm proposes a new reading of the narrative of the thwarted journey homeward of Frederick Cook (b. 1865, d. 1940) and his two Inuit companions, back from the far North. It is a regenerative experience for Cook inspired by the extrasensory perceptions of his companions. Having to hunt like a Stone Age man to survive, compels him to live in a primitive state. His imagination thus stimulated takes him into some sort of reverie about predestination. Is his narrative the story of a conversion or an enlargement of his vision that allows him to see the blessed life dreamt of by Augustine ?

  • - Voyage contredit – voyage contrarié
  • As it moves from a plan to its fruition, every journey involves the testing of a model which when facing reality might very well come up against its own contradiction. What happens when the conclusion of this logical stage of experience is reached ? Jean-Didier Urbain attempts to give a semiotic answer, whether the traveller accepts the alteration of the model and thus gets to the stage of a thwarted journey, or refuses it thus entering into a delirious denying of reality in order to stick to the model.

  • - Ulysse et le voyage philosophique
  • Meditating on some philosophical figures who have experienced life as a thwarted journey (Platon, Hegel, Emerson, Ricoeur, but also Auerbach, Homer or Joyce), Olivier Abel stresses the comings and goings between various fundamental questions : How is it possible to stay, to go, to come back ? What is a journey ? How can you talk or think about it ?

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