Abstracts numero 2004/2

Articles varia

  • - Femme-Pouvoir-Genre : une triade pour retracer l’évolution des gender studies et en esquisser les implications théologiques
  • Woman-Power-Gender : a triad for retracing the evolution of Gender Studies and for sketching their theological implications
    Recently arriving on the French academic scene, Gender Studies integrate the heritage from feminist studies in a wider consideration of the relations between power and gender. Muriel Schmid presents here the origins and theoretical foundations of this new discipline before going on to explore some of the implications for theology.

  • - Dieu au quotidien. Esquisse d’une anthropologie de la spiritualité féminine
  • God in the Day to day. The outline of an anthropology of feminine spirituality
    Starting from an ethnographic enquiry concerning whichcraft and popular medicine in several Romanian-speaking regions, Iulia Hasdeu explores the cultural constants of a feminine spirituality integrated into European Christianity. This spirituality is characterised particularly by the key role played by the figure of the witch, by the prominent place of the body and of physical objects, and by promoting an essentially domestic conception of religious life. These characteristics challenge classical distinctions between public and private, immanent and transcendent, routine and ceremonial, and equally between the historical opposition between Western and Eastern Christian traditions. Stories told by Romanian women, iconographic productions and cultural practices witness to this specifically feminine spirituality which, although on the fringes of ecclesiastical institutions, are very present in daily life.

  • - À la découverte de la source commune. Le message de Jésus
  • Discovering the common source : the message of Jesus
    With the help of a well-tested method of analysis, Jean-Marc Babut attempts to clarify the semantic content of the expression basileia tou theou used frequently in the text of Q as it has been reconstituted in The Critical Edition of Q. Ordinarily translated by « Rule or Kingdom of God » in traditional versions of the Bible, basileia tou theou actually points to some basically present reality with great promise for the future.

  • - Quand Dieu rit
  • When God Laughs
    What kind of laughter does God laugh? No less than thirteen Hebrew radicals are used to express laughter in the Old Testament corpus. Using a detailed examination of these radicals and a schematic presentation of their interrelationships, Daniel Lys shows that God’s laugh, in the Old Testament, gives voice to anything from joy to sarcasm.

  • - L’ouvert de la révélation : autour du tombeau vide
  • The openness of revelation : around the empty tomb
    Over against the religious myth of God as a present agency in the world, the Christian message does not proclaim a God having deserted human history, but rather a kind of in-between which does not allow the figure of the Divine to be grasped, therefore leading to an endless process of « signifiance ». François Nault rereads the empty tomb episode looking for markers in order to analyse the logic which structures the in-between and the signifier. The episode tells about the disappearance of a body consequently giving place to a void, but at the same time to something-made-possible-by-the-void. Besides being empty, the tomb is open. What can it be open for, apart from its own transformation into the words of the Œstory of the empty tomb’ and the various and numerous readings which are then made possible ?

Notules et Péricopes

  • - La cohérence interne de la liste des fautes du peuple en Jr 32/29-35
  • The internal coherence of the list of the faults of the people in Jer 32.29-35.
    The list of the people’s sins in Jer 32 : 29-35 was once seen as inconsistent. Through a literary reading of this passage, Elena Di Pede shows how consistent it actually is. The quite elaborate structure of the list points both to the idolatry of the people and to its deeper cause – namely their refusal to listen to a living word, therefore leading Israel to its self-destruction. At the same time, through the intricate writing of the passage, part of the chaotic situation the people have thrown themselves into because of their faults can be sensed by the reader.

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