Abstracts numero 2000/3

Articles varia

  • - La portée universelle de la Torah. Pour que le droit soit établi
  • Are the ethical references of traditionnal religions still valid in regard to the Law which regulates life in society ? Within the specific frame of the judeo-christian tradition, what should be the reach of the Torah ? G. Siegwalt suggests that a theology becomes credible in this context only if it is oriented towards the Law. But in secularised societies caracterised by religious pluralism, such a reference to the mosaic Law is in no way self-evident. The authority of mosaic Law depends on its credibility, which in turn depends on its ability to cope with reality.

Notules et Péricopes

  • - Sem, une clé de lecture pour Babel (Gn 11/1-9), ou de l’importance du contexte
  • C. Briffard sets out to demonstrate that thorough attention to the context of an extract, just as much as that given to the obstacles met by the reader, proves to be extremely revealing in terms of meaning production. Empowered by such tools, the reader of biblical texts will be able to build seminal hypotheses as to what the last editors of a text could have meant.

  • - La non-mention de la fille en Lévitique 18. Exercice sur la rhétorique du Code de Sainteté
  • Leviticus 18 contains a very extensive and systematic list of incestuousrelationships. And yet, no mention is made of the daughter. Is this due to an accident ? Or must one imagine that relations with one’s daughter were permitted ? In the present article it will be argued that the daughter, although not mentioned explicitely, is included in the thrust of the law. The reason for the omission is to enhance the persuasive force of the law. The non-mention of the daughter is a rhetorical figure.

Notes et chroniques

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