Abstracts numero 2006/3

Articles varia

  • - L’action missionnaire des natas des îles Loyauté dans le détroit de Torres à la fin du XIXe siècle
  • In the late nineteenth century, the London Missionary Society sent Melanesian Protestant Evangelists from the Loyauté Islands to the Torres Narrows. If French Protestant missionary historiography has hardly paid attention to these pioneers, their memory is still vivid in the Churches they contributed to create. Focusing on the years 1871-86, Gilles Vidal aims at retracing their itinerary and searching for their names and origins from official and private archives.

  • - Le ministère pastoral comme microcosme des enjeux de la théologie pratique
  • In this essay Elisabeth Parmentier questions the role and status of practical theology amidst the other theological disciplines with respect to the role and status of the minister in Church and society.

  • - L’éthique théologique dans l’espace public des sociétés postséculières
  • Theological public talk about ethical issues supposes that the contemporary conditions of a common research of practical truth be previously integrated into the theological discourse. With this purpose in view, Guy Jobin analyses two theological projects  the new political theology of Johann Baptist Metz and the « intellectual solidarity » of David Hollenbach  backing up his analysis with Jean-Marc Ferry’s concept of reconstructive discourse.

  • - Les grandes lignes d’une contribution de la phénoménologie à la réforme en islam
  • Phenomenology has often nurtured Christian theology during the twentieth century. Protestantism realized its importance, especially through some of Bultmann’s works, partly inspired by Heidegger’s philosophy. Catholicism also took part in the phenomenological stream through Karl Rahner’s theology for example. In the case of Islam, however, no comparable attempt to analyse the theological implications of the phenomenological point of view has yet been produced. Sylvain Camilleri draws here a programmatic outline of such a study.

  • - La Bible de la Source
  • What version of the Bible does the Q-source use ? To what part of the Bible does the Jesus of this tradition refer preferentially ? What does this reference mean to Jesus and to his audience ? Jean-Marc Babut carries on his study of the Q-source as recently reconstructed in The Critical Edition of Q (see ETR 2004/2).

  • - Le livre des Proverbes, la Sagesse, la Loi et le Psautier
  • Bernard Gosse shows that Prov. 1:20-23 inspired Psalms 1, 19 and 119 to interpret the « Law » in terms of « Wisdom ». Psalms 19 and 119 are an answer to the call to the « simple ones » in the Book of Proverbs. In the same way Psalm 1 rejects the « raillery ». Within the Psalter, the Psalms of Wisdom play a structural part in relation to the messianic Psalms.

  • - Apôtres, maîtres de maison et domestiques : les origines du ministère tripartite
  • In this article Brian Capper suggests that the pattern for the threefold ministry of bishops, priests and deacons may be found in the New Testament period, when peripatetic ministers first visited small house-churches. These usually met in the dining-rooms of local householder-patrons, who hosted the Christian meal with the assistance of trusted household servants. In second generation Christanity a transition occurred to larger meetings in new, more public spaces. Single bishops presided over the new, larger meeting spaces and eucharists. They replaced the peripatetic class, having arisen as apostolic delegates or being appointed from amongst settling peripatetics or particularly gifted local Christians. They were assisted at the eucharist by deacons, who arose from the earlier class of trusted household servants. The householder-patrons combined to form the now gathered eldership.

Notules et Péricopes

  • - Le doute selon Mt 28, 17
  • Jean-Pierre Sternberger reviews five possible ways of understanding the phrase hoi de edistasan in Mat. 28:17 and proposes to read it in the light of a twofold analysis, both structural and intertextual, of Mat. 28:16-20.

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