Abstracts numero 2012/1

Articles varia

  • - La présentation de l’Evangile de Judas au grand public et son contexte historique
  • When, in 2006, the Gnostic Gospel of Judas was presented to the world, it was hailed as a text that shed new light on the historical Judas and his relationship with Jesus. Some years later, however, it appears that the historical reliability of its traditions has not been substantiated. Riemer Roukema describes the introduction of the Gospel of Judas and analyses the hermeneutical presuppositions of this presentation. An appendix shows that this Gospel depends on the canonical Gospels, especially the Synoptics.

  • - Parallélismes et synkrisis dans la finale de Luc. Observations narratologiques en Luc 23, 50-24, 53
  • Arguing that the conclusion of Luke’s Gospel begins at verse 50 of chapter 23, Jonathan Bersot identifies its recurring paradigms and their various parallels. On this basis, he examines five cases of synkrisis highlighting Luke’s narrative strategy and its theological import.

  • , - Luc-Actes et la naissance du Dieu universel
  • By recounting how early Christianity developed through the Greek-Roman world, from Jerusalem to Rome, the Acts of the Apostles display a geography reflecting the universal God of Jesus. But how does this universalizing process occur? What are its roots and impulses, and what does it refuse? In this narratological essay, Daniel Marguerat and Emmanuelle Steffek highlight the plot leading to the universal offer of the Gospel by showing how Luke underscores the Christian novelty without ever cutting ties with Judaism, and how the universal claim of the Acts of the Apostles is already foreshadowed in the third Gospel. In his own-narrative-way, Luke offers a treatise on Christian identity.

  • - Quand se dérobe le temps. Les poèmes dans Résistance et soumission de Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • The ten poems Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote in prison are contemporary of hisbold hypothesis of a « religionless Christianity ». Commenting on thesepoems, Bernard Lauret argues that, in the isolation of a jail cell, theology is challenged by the abyssal experience of time which is slipping away andbecomes itself the great trial : friendship, acquaintances, plans for thefuture, guiltiness, political commitment, solidarity, faith, everything isdeprived of support and yet relies on a consented faithfulness that gives itsfull value to the forelast reality of this world.

  • - Instruction et christianisation des esclaves de La Barbade. L’expérience des plantations Codrington (1710-1830)
  • Upon his death in 1710, the philanthropist Christopher Codrington bequeathed to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG) the plantations and the 300 slaves he owned in Barbados. His will demand that the slaves have access to education and the Christian faith, a right which is denied on other plantations. Razika Touati Khelifa Senoussi examines the circumstances of the creation and development of Codrington College and shows why the history of this school built according to the wishes of the testator is often presented as the story of a failure in terms of its original purpose.

Notes et chroniques

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