Abstracts numero 2006/4

Articles varia

  • - La théorie de la guerre juste : un héritage chrétien ?
  • Over against a Widespread view, Frank Bourgeois argues that the just war theory is not of Christian origin. Drawing on Ciceronian rather than augustinian sources, it crystallized with the Quarrel about Investitures under the impulse of the monk Gratian, before being given its classical formulation by Saint Thomas Aquinas.

  • - Les stratégies argumentatives d’une (anti-) théodicée : Bayle et Leibniz
  • Nicola Stricker examines two argumentative strategies in theodicy : negation or limitation of the Divine Power on the one hand and subordiantion of His Goodness on the other. Going over the main arguments as they are presented and questioned by Bayle, she shows that Leibniz – who opposed Bayle his own « Theodicy » – favours the second strategy by using the topos of mundus optimus, whereas Bayle’s acknowledged incomprehension displays a third strategy of justification that protects God’s attributes by destruction any rational approach.

  • - L’État et la famille : les liaisons dangereuses
  • Is the family a matrix for politics ? Those who say so generally avoid justifying their position by pleading for a « natural » reality, even if it means a transformation of families in order to fit their objectives. François Dermange shows that the modern liberal State, while pretending to respect the family as well as politics in their own terms, does not avoid this shortcoming. The challenge is then to search for a positive evaluation of the social meaning of the family in the very sources of modernity and ask what the Christian testimony on such issues might be.

  • - L’accompagnement pastoral selon Paul Tillich. Enjeux ontologiques et théologiques
  • Laurence Flachon examines some practical inferences of Paul Tillich’s thought and shows that the German-American theologian offers a decisive contribution to pastoral care by his method of correlation and by the way he integrates both the use of the psychology of depths and his ontological analysis of the conception of anxiety, freedom, guilt and courage.

  • - Canon et construction de sens. Perspectives vétérotestamentaires
  • The history of the Canon generally focuses on the final state of the Scriptures. In dialogue with Jan Assmann’s works about cultural memory and with Jörg Rüsen’s studies on the sense of history, Bernd Janowski examines the synergy that gives its meaning to the process of establishing the Canon, i.e., its coherence and direction. He exemplifies his argument by his reading of some key texts : the Credo of Deut. 26:1-11, the announcement of the Infant Immanuel (Isa. 7:14) resumed in Isa. 9 and 11, and the short composition opening the Psalter (Ps. 1,2 and 3).

Notules et Péricopes

  • - La tradition du Targum en Néhémie 8, 1-8
  • Scholars generally rely on the term meforash to accept or reject the idea of a Targum in Neh. 8:8. Innocent Himbaza shows that a narrative analysis of the whole passage (Neh. 8:1-8) allows the reader to consider the role played by the Levites as an early attestation of a Targumic tradition, which in the narrower context of Neh. 8:8 appears in the expression « and [they] gave the sense (wesom sèkhèl) ».

Notes et chroniques

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